
Batting Lessons

Gain knowledge of what your role as a hitter is and the best way for you to become or continue to be successful. Learn the mindset of a hitter and get help with the things your struggling with from an outside point of view!

Slapping Lessons

Learn how to slap and how to become a threat anytime you go up to bat or continue to give you advice on your slapping skills. Get help with your form and movement through the box!

Outfielder Lessons

Learn the basics of outfield with me! The importance of drop steps, giving 100% effort, taking care of the ball, hitting your CUT, getting behind the ball, communication and much more!!

Base running Lessons

Get help with your base running! Raise your base running IQ and get more comfortable on the base paths. Learn the different types of slides and the techniques of them as well. Get comfortable with causing havoc on the bases!